Enroll in the Institute!
Parents killed by Sudbyrian troops?
If you are parentless and homeless, then the Institute may just be the right place for you!
At the Institute, you will find a warm home, with a welcoming peer group, and opportunities to better yourself in almost any form that you wish. We offer classes in fighting and defense, magic, the Arts, craft-skills, and much much more! Each orphan will recieve a basic background in the arts, and may then choose any path of study that they wish.
The freedom and wellbeing of each orphan is our main concern!
We offer a wide range of course studies, of practical and theoretical nature. If we are not currently offering courses in a subject that a student would like to study, efforts will be made to accomidate the student's academic desires, be it in independent study or apprenticeship.
No student is required to stay at the Institute: If at any time a child no longer wishes to remain at the Institute, efforts will be made to find a foster/adoptive family for the child, or, if they are old enough, an apprenticeship or job.
Enroll now!
To enroll, simply seek out Tairis Riachspain of Sahde, or any member of the Mystic Order of the Elves. You may also come directly to the Institute in De Bracy and speak to the staff there.
OOP Note: If you would like to play one of the vineyard orphans, or a student of the Institute, contact Leland Bridges ( tairis@sahde.com ) with your character concept, and she will provide you with a background timeline of what has happened since you've been on the Vineyard or at the School, as well as names and (where applicable) pictures of NPC and PC Orphans who already have entered the game in one form or another whom you would more than likely be familiar with.